Data-centric AI

A New Paradigm to Address the Hidden Risks of Data Debt

Data-centric AI emphasizes the importance of data in machine learning (ML). A comprehensive data management system throughout the entire ML lifecycle not only determines the quality and efficiency of data usage but also directly impacts the performance of the deployed models.

Data-centric AI
What's Data Debt
Similar to "Technical Debt" in software development, "Data Debt" in machine learning arises from underestimating data importance and neglecting data quality during projects
What Causes "Data Debt"
Underestimating the importance of data can lead to the continuous accumulation of data debt throughout the ML lifecycle Data debt = poor model performance = unresolved business issues

"Why" vs. "How"

The Gap Between Algorithm Engineers & Data Annotation PMs
Algorithm engineers prioritize "data > algorithm > innovation", focusing on data quality. They assess data value and set clear annotation guidelines. However, data annotation is often managed by project managers, leading to a gap that can cause unclear requirements and inconsistent rules. This results in redundant, reworked, or ineffective annotations, creating "data debt".

"Ideal" vs. "Reality"

The Gap Between Algorithm Training and Business Application
A good algorithm, reliant on quality data, solves real-world issues effectively. However, in complex environments, even well-trained algorithms can lose accuracy. To ensure robustness, algorithm engineers must invest time in studying data, identifying anomalies, understanding patterns, and refining processes. During these activities, "data debt" may accumulate.

"Rules" and "Practice"

The Gap Between Inconsistent Documentation and Cross-Organizational Execution
In an ideal setup, algorithm engineers preprocess annotated data to save time and costs, simplifying annotations. However, to meet tight deadlines, engineers may rush data prep, leading to unclear rules and incomplete analysis. Without unified guidelines, data handled by diverse teams can lead to significant data debt.

"Diagnosing" vs. "Prescribing"

The Gap Between Algorithm Needs and Missing Data Toolchains
In real algorithm training, engineers often manage data strictly after noticing poor model performance or errors, which seems cost-effective but is a ticking time bomb. Poorly managed data versions make it hard to trace back to sources and steps during performance issues, with most tools lacking process traceability.

"High Value" vs. "High Waste"

The Gap Between Data Assets and Data Management
• Data Value Underutilization: Many businesses have unmanaged and unused data, which diminishes their ability to remain competitive in rapidly changing markets. • Data Redundancy: Without unified data management and sharing, departments operate in data silos, wasting resources and incurring unnecessary costs.
With MorningStar no more worries about data debt
MorningStar embodies DataOps principles. It addresses various data debt and facilitating seamless ML integration and efficient, iterative algorithm development
Learn about Morningstar

Your model, your rules!

MorningStar empowers effortless data management with strong version control, instant data slicing, and seamless source tracing for enhanced security. Its automated workflows ensure meticulous data optimization, empowering you to train your ideal model confidently.

Your model, ever-evolving!

MorningStar provides robust data mining tools for granular visualization, metric computation, and cross-modal data retrieval. Enhance algorithms with manual supervision, semantic retrieval, feature generation, and data augmentation to unlock diverse models from limitless data possibilities.

Your model, leading the way!

MorningStar ensures traceable, iterative model training with data tracing/backtracing, debugging, and analysis tools. Let your business thrive and lead in vertical growth with high-quality, regenerable AI models empowered by MorningStar.

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